How the College is governed is a matter of great importance, affecting the quality of its services, public confidence in its activities, financial security and the legality of its business. The Governing Body will conduct its business in accordance with English and relevant European law and within the Instrument and Articles of Government as amended on 1st January 2008 under the order and direction of the Secretary of State in accordance with the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.
It will also observe regulations issued by the ESFA and will act within the principles laid down by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (Nolan Committee) for those holding public office, namely:
Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership.
Governors recognise the importance of clarity in identifying their roles and responsibilities and differentiating them from the roles and responsibilities of college management while also recognising the key interactions between the two.
Governors will ensure that all members observe a Code of Conduct and participate in a Register of Interests to ensure an honest, transparent and understandable system of working.
For your time, energy and expertise, we promise to ensure you receive the critical support and development you will need to succeed in this non-executive role. We will invest in you as you are investing in us, and through our partnerships with national membership and sector-based organisations, we look forward to working with you to recognise how fundamental the further education sector is to our country’s economic development, and, more crucially, to the lives of the people who study with us – regardless of their age, background, or prior learning.
Who we are looking for:
With a current member coming to the end of their time on the Board and with a need to be ever-mindful of the challenges and opportunities that the College faces as an organisation, the College Board is seeking to appoint a new Chair of the Finance & Resources Committee.
Applications from qualified financial leaders are welcomed, and candidates with a range of professional experience in education, the public sector, charities and other corporate entities can also apply.
Alongside a professional background, candidates will need to share the College’s core values and appreciate our impact on students, employers and local communities. Furthermore, candidates will have the appropriate professional expertise to support the College’s leadership team, especially those who focus on finance and resources.
Given the leadership nature of this role, it is expected that candidates will have previous experience sitting on or reporting to a Board and be equipped with the skills and understanding of the expectations, processes, and procedures that come with leading a committee.
As a Committee Chair and Governor, there will be a requirement to travel between campuses for Board and Committee Meetings.
For further information about the role or to arrange a confidential discussion, please contact our advising consultants at Peridot Partners:
Sarah Atkins-Boal | [email protected] | 07841 017043
Shaun Eden | [email protected] | 07951 509128
Please do not fill in an application form via the apply button on the college vacancy page. If you would like to apply to the role, please contact one of the above advising consultants.